Our Library of Publications

Tribute to Our 
10th Mountain Division Soldier

Veterans and descendants were asked to submit pictures and a brief biography of 10th Mountain Division soldiers. In addition, sponsored pictures were enlarged and used to decorate the 2013 Reunion Leadville Reception and Camp Hale Dinner. It is though the generous sup-port of veterans and descendants that I can now offer this revised 2013 Tribute Book. 

143 pages of photographs and content!

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What happens when first responders end up at the home where the head of the household has a Developmental Disability? This book is a great tool to start the conversation and to help plan ahead. I live in community without paid supports and have had a very successful life. As a family we have experience our share of trials when it comes to dealing with finances, raising our children, and most importantly keeping the family together.

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Creating a Plan before the Emergency.