Page 8 - The Binnacle
P. 8

Aldea LaParr  Person-Centered Planning

              By Aldea LaParr

              Person-centered planning (PCP) is a set of approaches designed to assist

              an individual to plan their life and supports. It is most often used for life

              planning with people with learning and developmental disabilities, though

              recently it has been advocated as a method of planning personalized sup-

              port with many other sections of society who find themselves disempow-

              ered by traditional methods of service delivery. This includes children, peo-

              ple with physical disabilities, people with mental health issues  Wikipedia
              and older people.

              This activity was designed to assist individuals and families in planning for
              their future and building their CIRCLES of support.

              When I attended an Inclusion Institute for four days in 2009, I became fas-
              cinated in the MAPPING process that I learned. In our first issue of The
              Binnacle we showed a picture of Cassie’s map but unfortunately, we did
              not explain what it was and why it is so important to many.

                               For more detailed information about Person Centered Planning: Paths,
                               Maps, and Circles of Support visit

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